You the Player are helping to run a Settlement after the world has had a few Set Backs (Broken Arrow 2, Appy Assault, Ring of Fire, Hat Trick) has lead to this fact ... the world is broken. Extreme weather has caused low water, food, and fuel.
The World went to war it didn't destroy itself with bombs just wasted what we had. Welcome to the 21st Century but the world was better off in the 18th.
Cities can't function and are full of dead bodies and waste. The one thing the world did have was land so people went out into the world again and formed small settlements to live without over extending themselves to protect there own.
Can you the Player live in this world, to make sure food and water stays yours while protecting your Settlements and homestead boarders.
Fighting isn't always the Answer but it helps keep what is yours in your pocket while not falling into Marshall Law of the Military.
Can Camp on Field, outside of Out of Bounds, or come and go, The Field is your Sandbox for the Weekend
There are no true teams only the main Settlement at game Start. A Player may come Solo, Paired, fire team, or Squad. They can chose to play that way or Join a Settlement. Or even Make their own Settlement
Can Wear anything Except ...
Do not have any Red Clothing or Equipment - Must have Red Rag to show Wounded/Death State.
Costumes welcome
****Ammo Limits and Joule Limits****
Riflemen 600 rounds Semi no MED 1.55 Joules with .32
DMR 300 rounds semi 75 foot MED 1.99 Joules with .32
Sniper 150 rounds Bolt only 100 foot MED 2.5 joules with .32
Shotguns 350 rounds No MED 1.5 Joules with .32
Pistols 100 rounds doesn't count against other classes ammo no MED
List of things you need for Settlement
Basics for Field (Mini)
Eye Pro
Correct Clothing
Way to defend self
- Airsoft Gun with correct Mag and BB Amount
- Extra EMPTY Mag (for on field BB Bonuses)
- Soft Weapons (training Knives, Nerf hand Weapons, etc)
Red Dead Rag/Light
Bag or Pouch for put loot and supplies in
Way to tell Time
Way to Hold Personal Water and Food (Gear)
Optional if Camping on Site or in Field
Trash Bag (leave field like we found it)
Sleeping Stuff (sleeping Bag, Pillow)
Shelter (Tent, Traps, Firepit)
Food - MREs, etc
Drink (water/Gatorade) - We are going to try to have Food Vendor on Site
Port-A-John is on Site
Optional Game enhancements
Extra Lights for night
Extra Clothing
Rain Gear
Axe or cutting stuff to make a camp site
Remember you can go to your car and come and go at any time during Event. Camp Sites or Settlements can only be looted with Game Food, Water, Ammo. Everything else on field is Personal players Items and not to be messed with by other players. After 9pm Settlements and Built up Camp Sites with enough Light are not to be attacked but the rest of the Field is in Play until players go back to Camps or Settlements or Cars.
Friday if a Player wants to set up a Camp site or Try to Join a Settlement they are welcome too
At Roanoke Airsoft Outdoor Field
4715 Rucker Rd. Moneta, VA
1. Follow Rules and you can do what you want. You don't have to stick with anyone, even your friends!
2. The Bigger your Camp Site the Bigger the chances something bad happening to it. The World is hard place
3. When setting up Campsites or trying to start another Settlement Can't Use or Near Alpha - Everything else is fair game.
4. Loot and Prizes will be a big deal .. you can earn more Raffle Tickets or add to your chances to bid on items at end of weekend. So there is a point to in game Loot. Loot is ONLY in game things or you the player want to trade that's personal that becomes an in game item.
5. You can be robbed alive or when your in your bleed out be looted. If you are killed and not looted you must Drop you Loot where you died. You can not take stuff off the Field but you can hide it or keep it at your camp site at a lootable place
6. Places you CAN NOT Loot.. out of Bounds, Parking lot cars, or camp sites out of bounds or IN SIDE Tents, bags, or Totes at camp sites. Dont go through other peoples stuff and dont put stuff out. Keep it in your Tent or Bags ALSO dont shoot at Tents or hide behind them
7. Roanoke Settlement is your game Hub, Store, Medical, Church, Police, Bank, etc will be there. its a Social place to get missions and learn about other Settlement players. It's the Main Gateway into AO. But its not 100% safe either.
8. Keep Goggles on at all times in the field of play. At night Camp sites can't be attacked but keep goggles on outside of Tent. Red Lights are a good thing for night Play and at Camp sites
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